Note: This commission is now under the Micah 6 Commission (page coming soon).
Earth Care
Our Purpose
To lead the Episcopal Church of Nh to care for the earth and to honor God in the face of all creation.
Our Work
Supporting Solar Saints to help parishes reduce their carbon footprint by swapping out any energy inefficient incandescent and CFL light bulbs with LED’s.
Holding an Advent Quiet Day was held at the Church of the Woods.
Collaborating with the Reconciliation Commission to provide a grant to the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People to make a film promoting the restoration of New Hampshire rivers entitled: “Swimming Upstream: Indigenous Environmental Justice for our Waterways. The film introduced people to the threatened River Herring species and its connection to the Great Bay Estuary, and was instrumental in the voter decision to remove a dam in Durham.
Joining the Digital Mission of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire in hosting a three part “Honoring the Earth” series: “Spirituality and Creation,” “Sustainability Practices,”and “Experiencing the Earth at Church of the Woods.”
Organized and provided a “Family Fun Day” at the Seacoast Science Center in Odiorne Point State Park with opportunities to explore tidepools and engage in worship, games, and discussion.
Our Members
The Rev. Carolyn Stevenson, chair
Susan Fuller
Karen Roselen
The Rev. Jane Van Zandt
Nancy Nichols
The Rev. Nathan Bourne
Deborah Baker
Benge Ambrosi, Diocesan Staff Liasion
Grant Information
Grants up to $1,000 are available to congregations to provide or collaborate with other organizations or groups to provide opportunities for members and for those in their communities to deepen their connection with their local environment by going outside, planning events, offering programs of study and spiritual practice, and adapting liturgies to encourage wide stewardship of the earth.
Grant Application
Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home for practical steps you can take at home includes a host of materials from action to worship includes action as well as worship materials
Learn answers basic questions about climate change and how to talk about it is aimed at kids but good information