Note: This commission is now under the Micah 6 Commission (page coming soon).
Our Purpose
The Commission on Reconciliation is committed to confronting injustices with Jesus' love.
Our Mission
The Commission on Reconciliation is guided by the vision of Becoming Beloved Community, our church’s long-term commitment to racial justice, healing and reconciliation. We’re all on a lifelong journey toward God’s dream, taking intentional and faithful steps as if moving through a labyrinth.
Our Work
The Reconciliation Commission upholds the following diocesan priorities to speak and witness to in the public sphere:
Immigration and Refugees
Indigenous People Rights and Reconciliation
Mass Incarceration
Racial Reconciliation
Good work continues to be done in these and other areas — thanks to those within our communities and parishes who work tirelessly (and passionately) advocating for those who have no voice.
Our Members
The Ven. Derek Scalia, Chair
The Rev. Canon Gail Avery
Betty Lane
Susan Lassen
James McKim
The Rev. Sarah Rockwell
Jacquelyne Weatherspoon
Canon Tina Pickering, Diocesan Staff Liaison
Grant Info
To apply for funding for special projects and ministries through the Reconciliation Commission, please review and complete the Reconciliation Commission Grant Proposal.
This Land Acknowledgement is available to the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire for use at any diocesan or parish gathering:
We acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples have maintained to N’dakinna (N-DAH-kee-nah) and the aki (land), nebi (water), olakwika (flora), and awaasak (fauna) which the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire strives to steward today. We also acknowledge the hardships they continue to endure after the loss of unceded homelands. We reaffirm The Episcopal Church’s renunciation of the Doctrine of Discovery. We repent of these sins and take responsibility for working to repair these damages ecumenically. We seek to foster relationships and opportunities that strengthen the well-being of the Indigenous People who carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.